Services & Rates
Our teleprompter service packages include all necessary technology as well as one of our experienced technicians. We offer two basic types of teleprompter packages: Television/Video Production & Public Speaking/Presidential. Every electronic component is backed up by a duplicate unit on every job.
- Television/Video Production
Our television/video package includes a state-of-the-art Telescript™ computer prompting system with one display. The display unit can be mounted on the camera’s tripod head or configured for freestanding operation. Additional prompting displays can be added as needed. - Public Speaking/Presidential — Standard
Our standard public speaking package includes a state-of-the-art Telescript™ computer prompting system and two presidential displays to cover one podium. Prompter displays for a second podium can be added. - Public Speaking/Presidential — Motorized
The motorized public speaking package also includes the Telescript™ computer prompting system and two presidential displays to cover one podium. The difference: motorized base stations allow the panels to be raised and lowered from backstage. Prompter displays for a second podium can be added.

Our rates are based on 8 hours of our technician and gear on your site within the national capital metropolitan area. The half-day television/video production rate covers 4 hours on site.
Standard Package (One Display)
- Full Day—$600.00
- Overtime—$90.00 per hour
- Half Day—$450.00
- Additional Displays—$75.00 to $200.00 each
- DV-8 for SteadiCam–$100.00
- Wide Frame for Wide Angle Lens—$75.00
- Remote Power System—$100.00
For interview situations in which you would like to see the interviewer’s face displayed in front of lens, our teleprompter displays can be configured for the “Interatron” set-up. Our displays can take HDMI, SDI or NTSC signals from a secondary, customer-provided camera. Call for pricing.
Presidential Package (Standard)—$800.00
- Overtime—$100.00 per hour
- Additional Podium—$350.00
Presidential (Motorized)—$1,100.00
- Overtime—$100.00 per hour
- Additional Podium—$500.00
Downstage Monitors — Call for Prices
Tech & Computers Only—$600.00
Weekend jobs carry a $75.00 labor surcharge. Mileage and travel time is billed on jobs located more than 25 miles from Washington, DC.